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About iFixandRepair

Why Choose iFixandRepair?

You've heard company brands promote "one of a kind", "state of the art", "like nothing else you've ever seen before", "the next best thing". This isn't us. In fact, we spend most of our day handing happy people back their last best thing. 

Most of us like the shorthand we've developed with our gadget. The automatic login, the pictures, and even our apps are part of our daily lives. So when our device is damaged, we mourn our loss. Our goal at iFixandRepair is simple – we want to reunite you with YOUR most trusted companion. YOUR phone, YOUR tablet, YOUR device.


  • Multi-Billion Dollar Device Repair Industry
  • 100+ Locations
  • Best Corporate Partnerships in the Business
  • Multiple Revenue Streams
  • Preferred Pricing with Industry's Top Suppliers
  • Desire to make customers' lives a little better than before they walked into your store.

Additional Information

  • Franchise Fee: $25,000
  • Veteran Discount: 25%
  • Build-Out Costs: $20,000-$40,000
  • Training and Support: $5,000 - 7 Days

Request Franchise Info

Thousands of families across the United States are joining successful franchise systems to achieve their dreams of business ownership. At first glance, the process of starting a franchise can be extremely daunting; however with proper due-diligence and open conversations with Vice Presidents of Franchise Development you will discover which franchise systems are the right fit for you and your family.